
Profile Badges

The GuildQuality public profile has a variety of badges that can be earned and displayed.

Consecutive Great Reviews

A Consecutive Great Review badge reflects a streak of completed surveys with 100% customer satisfaction. The review counter begins on January 1st of each year, and the highest level badge earned remains visible on the profile through the end of the calendar year. The streak levels are 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100. Owners and Admins will receive an email when your company earns a new level and the badge will be automatically displayed on the profile.

Actively Surveying

If you are regularly submitting customer data and initiating new surveys, you can earn an Actively Surveying badge. This badge will be displayed on your public profile to show that your are active and engaged on GuildQuality.  You can earn this badge by having created a survey during the previous month.  Owners and Admins users of each company will receive an email notification when they qualify for the badge!


Any member who earns the Guildmaster Award will have a badge added to their profile to celebrate and socialize their win. The badge is automatically added to the profile after the winner’s have been announced!