Checking in throughout the duration of a multi-month project is a great way to ensure you are providing the best possible experience to your customers. With GuildQuality’s multi-touch surveying, you can customize your survey touch points to what makes the most sense for your business.
The entire multi-touch process includes:
- At Contract / Design Survey – The first survey after the signing of the contract, or after the initial design phase is completed. The goal of this survey, depending on your type of work, is to learn about the beginning of the process. Are your salespeople and/or design team communicating effectively? Does the customer have the right expectations leading into the job? Do they understand the upcoming schedule, or do they have any concerns about the next steps?
- Midway Through (MWT) Survey – This is typically used in home building and remodeling jobs. The survey serves as a checkpoint on the project primarily to get ahead of any potential issues that may be boiling to the surface with the customer. Has the team been respectful of the customer’s time or space? Have they been communicating project changes, timeline updates, and any issues they’ve encountered? If the customer is still living in the space while your team is working, are your employees leaving the space clean and safe? These are all important questions that help you get ahead of a bad review. By utilizing the MWT survey, you’ll be able to get ahead of unhappy customers, and ideally, fix whatever issues they’re having before it shows up in their review.
- Shortly After Close (SAC) Survey – This is your standard survey to see how your team performed, and how you can improve, all while getting you a review. As mentioned above, the benefit of following the multi-touch surveying approach is that we typically see a higher percentage of positive responses on the SAC survey for members who check in throughout the completion of the job.
- Long After Close (LAC) Survey / Warranty Survey – This survey is most commonly used to improve the customer’s experience of your warranty department. If they had to file a claim, how was that process? Warranty surveys oftentimes highlight the lack of communication once the job has been completed, so this is a great way to ensure your company doesn’t fall into that trap. And if you don’t offer a warranty, this survey is still recommended as a way to check on your customer 6-18 months after their project has been completed. Maybe they have a new project they’re interested in starting, or perhaps they’ve been having some issues that need addressing that they haven’t alerted you to yet. Regardless of the circumstances, we recommend finishing off your multi-touch surveying approach with our LAC survey!
Whether you take advantage of the full four survey multi-touch process, or mix and match which surveys make sense for your own business strategy, multi-touch surveying is the best way to stay in contact with your customers throughout the lifetime of their project. If you’d like to learn more, be sure to email our support team to see if multi-touch surveying is the right fit for your business.