GuildQualityContacts & Projects

Bad Contact Information – Errors & Solutions

Bad Contact Info Notifications

This feature in the GuildQuality app will alert you to any issues with contact information that we encounter while surveying your customers (and/or lost leads). 

If there is an issue with an email address or a phone number, you will be alerted about the bad contact information in the top right corner of your dashboard, under the “Needs action” heading. 

Needs action notification in GuildQuality app

Once you click “Resolve,” you will see a list of contacts that have an issue with some piece of contact information. Click on a contact, and the error will be indicated underneath the email or phone number. A list of errors and possible solutions is included below. 

Bad Contact Info Errors & Solutions

There are a number of contact information errors that may prevent a survey from being completed. They include:  

Phone errors:

  • Phone marked as wrong number
  • Phone marked as do not call

Email errors:

  • Email marked as invalid
  • Email marked as bounced
  • Email marked as soft bounce
  • Email marked as spam
  • Email unsubscribed

Critical contacts have active surveys with missing info preventing delivery. All includes inactive surveys as well, and active surveys missing optional info which could improve your response rate.

What do these errors mean, and what can be done about them? 

Phone errors: 

  • Wrong number
    • The homeowner has indicated that this is the wrong number, and it does not belong to the person we are trying to contact. 
    • Or the phone number was a “bad number” (for instance, it was disconnected, it’s a fax line, incomplete, etc.).
    • Solution: Try to contact the homeowner in another way to verify their correct phone number. If you are able to get an updated phone number, add it to their contact info in the GuildQuality app. 
  • Do not call: 
    • The homeowner has asked that we stop calling them. 
    • Solution: In this situation, if you feel it is appropriate for this particular homeowner, you could contact them, explain that GuildQuality is reaching out to collect their feedback for the work you performed, and that this feedback is very valuable for your business. You can ask the homeowner if they are OK with being called again to complete the survey. If the homeowner agrees that we can call them again, you can reach out to and ask that the Do Not Call flag be removed at the customer’s request, and we will give them another call. If they do not want to be called again, you could ask that they complete an email survey instead. 

Email errors:

    • Email marked as invalid 
      • The email address entered for the survey is not a real email address. 
      • Solution: There may be a typo that needs to be corrected. Take a look at the email address to see if the name or domain has been misspelled. If you’re not sure, you can reach out to your customer to determine what their correct email address is. 
    • Email marked as bounced
      • Either the recipient email address does not exist or the recipient email server has blocked delivery of the email. 
      • Solution: There may be a typo that needs to be corrected. Take a look at the email address to see if the name or domain has been misspelled. If you’re not sure, you can reach out to your customer to determine what their correct email address is.
    • Email marked as soft bounce
      • There are many reasons why a soft bounce may occur:
        • The recipient’s inbox is full or there is some other problem with their inbox. 
        • There is an issue with the recipient’s email server. 
        • The email message is too large. 
        • The email domain name does not exist. 
        • The email has been blocked (there are many reasons this could happen). 
        • The email could not be delivered, for some reason. 
      • Solution: There may be a typo that needs to be corrected. Take a look at the email address to see if the name or domain has been misspelled. If you’re not sure, you can reach out to your customer to determine what their correct email address is. 
    • Email marked as spam
      • The recipient has marked the email as spam. 
      • Solution: You can reach out to the homeowner to explain what the purpose of the survey is and that it is not spam. They would then need to either find the email and unmark it as spam then complete the survey, or you or the homeowner could reach out to us to request that they receive the email survey again. 
    • Email unsubscribed
      • A homeowner has clicked the “Unsubscribe” option at the bottom of the survey email. 
      • Solution: We will not continue to email the homeowner if they have unsubscribed from our emails. There are many laws and rules surrounding email communications and a consumer’s ability to unsubscribe and a company’s responsibility to honor this. 

If you have any questions about any bad contact info notifications you see, please contact