GuildQuality ClassicSurveys

Homeowner Survey Email

A homeowner will receive an email similar to this one pictured below when they’re surveyed via email. The default subject line is “(Company Name) would appreciate your response to a very brief survey.” and it comes from the email address “”.

You can view the text that homeowners see when they receive their email by going to Survey Settings under Customers > Edit Surveys.

You cannot change the text, but you can change the subject line, and add a note from your team to the email if you’d like. Some members use this to include a message from the owner, special instructions that help you get more value from your homeowners, or just a simple thank you from your team. You can also include specific project details in this note – for example if you want to include a message from their Customer Care Rep, or to share that this survey is specifically about their Gutter Installation. Learn more about how to set up Custom Filters.