
Homeowner Survey Email

GuildQuality ClassicSurveys

A homeowner will receive an email similar to this one pictured below when they’re surveyed via email. The default subject line is “(Company Name) would appreciate your response to a very brief survey.

Adding Clients to Survey

GuildQuality ClassicGetting Started

You can provide your customer’s contact information and project details to GuildQuality through the following options: Upload Customer Files Through Your GuildQuality Account Compile contact information and project details by downloading a template customized for your account, or export contact information and project details from your CRM system into an Excel file. Visit the Add Customers section of

Resurveying Completed Surveys

GuildQuality ClassicSurveys

If your team has corrected an issue for a client that has already completed their survey, we do offer the option to resurvey your client at no additional cost. Once the client has given you their consent to be resurveyed, we’re happy to contact your homeowner once more by either telephone or email.

Default Survey Templates

GuildQuality ClassicSurveys

Explore which survey templates are readily available in your account Click here to customize your own templates if any of the below won’t work for you. Within the Edit Surveys section of your GuildQuality account you have 6 ready-made survey templates available for your use.