GuildQuality ClassicUsers

Restricting User Access

Adding users to your account can be extremely beneficial when developing and maintaining a “Culture of Quality”.

To limit user access to specific customer responses, visit the “Preferences” link in the top right corner of your account, and select “Manage Users” from the left hand menu. Note: Admin users have access to all responses and cannot be restricted.

Please see this Adding Users article if you need to add members of your team as users within your account.

Select the action button for any normal user and click “Restrict Data” to access the “Set User Privileges” window. Here, you’ll be able to decide what your user can see:

  • If you want them to see specific feedback only, select one or multiple values within filter fields.
  • If you want them to see everything, leave filters set to “All” for your user, or simply don’t restrict their data.

Once you’ve got your user set up to receive the reporting data appropriately, click “Save” and you’re done!

Example, using the default Salesperson Filter:

  • Your Sales Manager can be added as a normal user, and given access to ALL survey feedback for all salespeople. You would not select “Restrict Data” for this user.
  • Your Sales Reps can be added as normal users, and restricted by the Salesperson filter to be given access ONLY to survey feedback where they are listed as the salesperson.