
Filtering by Date


To filter surveys and data by a particular time frame, start on the SURVEYS tab. On the right hand side of the page, click on where is shows “All Time” for the date filter; The filter contains 2 options; Date Range & Date Type Dante Range includes the following options; All time Yesterday Last; Week,

Survey Satisfaction Scores


The overall satisfaction score of a survey is calculated by the number of questions that a homeowner marks as “satisfied” (4 stars or 5 stars) divided by the total number of star rated questions answered. For example, if a homeowner rates 5 out of the 13 star rated questions answered as 4 stars or higher (Satisfied), then the

Team Endorsements


Team endorsements Tagging your team members on projects makes surveys more personal and allows the team to receive endorsements. At the end of a survey, the homeowner can endorse the team members who worked on their home.

Exporting Surveys


You can export Surveys and Contacts from your account by selecting the Export button from either the Surveys or Contacts screens.  The Contacts export contains full contact and project information.



After listening to our members’ requests for an industry-standard scoring system, we have launched our very own Net Promoter Score (NPS)! If you are not familiar with this scale, NPS is a tool that measures customer loyalty, enthusiasm, and satisfaction.

Report Customization


Report Features In the Reports section, we’ve created many different reporting features.  If you click on Reports at the top of your page and then click New Report, you have the ability to send customizable reports to anyone within your company; The report can contain specific filters, date ranges, etc.

Response Rate


Download a copy of our free homeowner introduction letter to improve your response rate. You can track your response rate on the surveys page of your account.

Peer Comparisons


When peer companies have used the same questions or types a work, a dotted line will appear on the satisfaction bars to indicate the peer average. A peer group is made up of any other companies within the same parent association, family, or partner account.

Custom Fields


You can use custom fields to track trends on data points beyond Team and Types of Work. Depending on line of business, you may want to track specifics that would be useful to your growth or to your team’s knowledge.

Custom Reports


You can create relevant reports filtered by specific parameters for yourself and for groups of users. These reports can be scheduled to be delivered to your inbox regularly, and you can control which users can see these reports and receive relevant survey completions.