GuildQuality ClassicReporting

The Scorecard Index

The Scorecard Index allows you to view what percentage of customers fall within a given parameter. By default, the report is set to “Agree or better, >2”. The following explains each Index:

  • Strongly Agree, 4 : To see the percentage of customers who scored 4’s on questions, by comparison.
  • Agree or better, >2 : To see the percentage of customers who scored 3’s and 4’s on questions, by comparison (this is what we market for you).
  • Somewhat Agree or better, >1 :To see the percentage of customers who scored 2’s, 3’s and 4’s on questions, by comparison.
  • Disagree or better, >0 : To see the percentage of customers who scored above  a 0 on questions, by comparison.
  • Agree or worse <4 : To see the percentage of customers who did not score a 4 on questions, by comparison.
  • Somewhat Agree or worse, <3 : To see the percentage of customers who scored below a 3 on questions, by comparison.
  • Disagree or worse, <2 : To see the percentage of customers who scored below a 2 on questions, by comparison.
  • Strongly Disagree, 0 : To see the percentage of customers who scored a 0, by comparison.
  • GQI : To see the percentage of your answers that are “4” minus the percentage that are “0,” “1,” or “2.” Also known as NPS, or net promoter score. Learn more here.